A portable credit card machine is a great way for businesses to take customer payments while in the field and not sitting in your office or store. Usually these machines allow you to scan the card right there and the transaction happens via a cellular network. Even if portable credit card machines may be a bit expensive to buy, they offer some dramatic advantages to your business that can save you money and head aches along the way. First, if you currently bill by sending an invoice, you have probably encountered customers who won't pay or take as long as possible before paying. When a credit card machine, you can get paid right away.
These machines can also save you money because the rate is usually lower when you scan the actual card versus writing down the number and typing it in back at the office. This also allows you to deal with expired or otherwise rejected credit cards right away by asking for another card or suggesting a check or cash. When you are back at the office, it may be difficult to track down the customer again. Finally, many customers like it because they can often get a receipt right away, and they also don't need to worry that their credit card information is written down on your papers where it could easily be lost or stolen. These portable machines are usually best for businesses who do the majority of their work at a client's site like a plumber or a carpet cleaner.
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