Counter top displays are great ways for any storeowner to showcase additional merchandise. These displays - generally constructed of colored or clear plastic containers - offer customers a look at extra items while allowing those smaller items to stay in clear view of the store's employees and safe from sticky fingers.
Whether your store sells food, non-edible merchandise, or a mix or both, you can use these displays. Below are some of the most common places you can use counter top displays in your store, as well as ideas for the kinds of merchandise you can display.
Convenience Stores and Specialty Shops
Convenience stores are probably the most popular location for counter top displays. Convenience store customers can find a wide assortment of food and nonfood items like within these displays. Gumballs, bulk candy, children's toys, travel-sized hygiene items you might have forgotten to pack - you can find them all within the plastic containers that make up convenience store displays.
However, specialty shops that don't focus on convenience items can also use counter top displays. Jewelry boutiques, for example, might arrange these displays to hold samples of jewelry cleaner or small clothes designed to clean rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. At the same time, hobby shops like those that sell sports memorabilia might use counter top displays to offer customers a look at key chains or cards that feature their favorite team or player as they check out.
Bakeries and Delis
Bakeries and delis - like yogurt shops, ice cream shops, and bagel shops - can use counter top displays made of plastic containers to both display and store their food items. Deli-style restaurants can use the containers to hold and store their sandwich makings, but yogurt and ice cream shops can make extra use of these containers when they use them as yogurt topping dispensers and ice cream topping dispensers. They can position these dispensers into attractive counter top displays that are convenient for both the shop's employees and customers.
These kinds of shops can also use clear plastic containers to hold nonfood items like utensils, napkins, and drink-related items like cups, lids, and straws. Chances are that every customer is going to need these kinds of items, and counter top displays make it easy for customers to get what they need without waiting in line or asking wait staff for assistance.
Cafeteria Environments
In most cafeteria environments - such as those you'd find in a hotel, hospital, school lunchroom, and institution - food preparation and storage goes on behind the scenes. Plastic containers are helpful in these situations - as well as for buffet-style cafeterias that place all food items out for customers - but counter top displays come in especially handy for showcasing additional food items for which customers or diners don't need a server. Such items might include:
- Additional meal items like bags of chips, dinner rolls, and fruit.
- Dessert items like brownies, pieces of cake, cookies, or candy bars.
- Nonfood items like utensils, napkins or hand wipes, and drinking cups, lids, and straws.